Food for the Soul

Words of Wisdom

Lactacyd Word Treasure Hunt

It was a pleasure joining the recent crazed game called "Word Treasure Hunt" of Lactacyd, (a feminine wash) in its Woman Talks page on Facebook. My own little way of saying thank you for the gift pack I had received from sanofi-aventis Philippines, Inc. It was very well liked and appreciated. So generous of you Woman Talks.

It was exciting to note that everyone did enjoy and had a fun time answering the trivia. Though, I wasn't part of the six (6) grand prize winners (6 units of iPod shuffle), I was given a token, delivered right in our doorsteps and so with the rest who had participated in the said activity. The game was open to women in the Philippines only.

Have a glance of my Lactacyd products I had received.

Woman Talks is currently cooking up another mind stimulating contest "How Confidently Smart is Your Brain?" game and will run from 08 August to 04 September 2011. I recommend and encourage women out there residing in the Philippines to join and be part of this event. Lots of prizes and surprises await the participants. So, like Woman Talks page on Facebook and check that out.

Many many thanks Lactacyd and Woman Talks. Continue to come up with these kind of exhilarating games and we are here to support you. More power! :)

Handcrafted Miniature Flower Arrangements

I now begin my miniature flower arrangements using air-dry clay (my own homemade clay) with gusto. The pleasure I get from this hobby brings me amusement and the feeling is beyond compare. As a kick-off, it excites me to create with a tweak these freestanding sculptures for display. Making sure that every detail captured its authenticity, it was packed full of patience and love for handmade creations to make them appeared as real as possible.

birds of paradise, tiger cactus

tropical flowers in a bowl

anthurium and dried bamboo


lavander orchids

I can not wait to come up with more ideas and designs in the future. Feel free to make comments, suggestions and critic my work.

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A Blessed Happy Birthday Prayer for my Hubby

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today, 02 July 2011, is a special time of the year to celebrate life and Your Goodness. I thank you for this wonderful day that in Your perfect and right time you brought this man (Conrado "Ding" Cucio) on earth, whom you have chosen for me to be my life-time partner. As another year is added to his life, empower him to always seek Your wisdom and understanding in every decision he will embark on for his life, his family, his friends, his work, and every person that he'll get in touch with so that his life will be guided according to your will. In this way, he will also be a blessing to your brethren as an instrument of your love and benevolence. I pray for good health, peace and safety for him. May your Divine protection be bestowed upon him always. Thank you Lord for adding a new year to his life and may this be filled with astounding blessings not only on this special day but also in the coming years. In Jesus name. Amen.

H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y! fafagom

ClayTeddy Bear

Tomorrow is the birthday of one of my very best friends, Mher Daet. I was thinking of what to give her - I want something that would challenge my ingenuity to sculpt realistic homemade clay figures that would replicate them to the nearest. This time, I have come up with this cutie-fur-y brown teddy bear seated on stargazer lily flowers and I loved how it came out.

This homemade clay is not really a typical "CLAY". I just call it clay because its texture and properties resembling those of mineral clay. Because it is biodegradable, ingredients are mostly found right in our own kitchen. It is pliable enough and can easily be manipulated to create limitless images such as cake toppers, ornaments, jewelries, key chain pieces, and charms among others.

I am thrilled with this new craft as one of the amazing mediums for sculpture. One can create a figurine of people or animal. It is easy to work with and inexpensive - it does not require sophisticated kiln and heating as it gets dry easily to air exposure.