Food for the Soul

Words of Wisdom

Stay-at-Home Ways to Earn Extra Income

In today’s global economic turmoil, we are challenge to find techniques on how to supplement our income especially if we are hit by uncertain corporate shutdown and downsizing. In the midst of this world’s market slump, I am optimistic that we can rise above adversities and turn it into opportunities. There are many accessible, viable income-earning approaches, which will help sustain and make our ends meet.

Here are some helpful tips that you might consider:

  • Earn money from your hobbies – Put your craft skills to good use, sell them and make them profitable.
  • Have a garage sale or put unused and unwanted items up for sale.

  • Allow to run free the chef in you – For special occasions, you may offer cooking services to your friends and neighbors or cook delicacies, bake goodies and sell them.

  • Unleash your musical talents and profit from them – Offer to sing at small party or provide music/instruments lessons for a fee per hour.
  • Babysit for neighbors
  • Rent out a room - Think about renting out spare room in your house.
  • Gain from your events organizing skills - Let loose your events organizing skills by coordinating or planning events like wedding, christening, baby shower, stag and bridal shower parties, etc.
  • Become a tutor - Share your expertise with the kids within the neighborhood by teaching subjects you are good at.
  • Explore the power and wonders of internet - If you are a freelancer or stay-at-home moms, here's a legitimate online home-based income opportunity that I found myself. You can do this and earn from the comfort of your home.
  • Go into direct selling - There are many available legal and lawful direct selling companies that offer sound business opportunity.